Debra Mategrano

Debra Mategrano is a Nebraska native who has called the booming hospitality scene in Southern California home for the past 16 years. Starting her career with Marriott, Debra spent ten rewarding years navigating through multiple hotel departments before making her jump to the world of audio-visual sales with Encore. Debra is currently the Regional Sales Director for Encore's growing Los Angeles market and enjoys the leadership, networking and employee engagement her position allows her to focus on every day.

Education and Engagement for Modern Times

Sep 3 2020
Debra Mategrano
You can say what you want about other generations, but research shows we all have at least one thing in common: we are changing the way we learn, engage with and retain information. Learn how this translates to the event world and gain insight to engage attendees of any generation. From baby-boomers to Gen Z, ...